regex error : match failure

Boris Borcic (
Wed, 1 Mar 1995 14:07:06 GMT

Hello there !

I get the error message reproduced on the subject line with (what I
think are) moderately complex regexes. They compile OK, but produce
an error when used.

1) Is it possible to get a more explicit message on the cause of error ?

2) Should I try to simply extend the MAX_FAILURES parameter in regex.c
and recompile ?

3) I am not completely clear on how match alternatives are explored. My
working model is that alternation is tried left to right, that repetition
is matched eagerly and that ever shorter matches are tried by backtracking
after failure, is this correct ? With this model in mind, I often find
myself desiring something like a prolog cut operator that would allow me
to tell the matcher it shoudln't backtrack to previous choice points.
Or a lazy repetition operator. Any of these would allow me simplify my
regexes significantly - are they possible ?

Thanks for any help

Boris Borcic
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