Re: Embedding python
Wed, 17 Aug 94 10:15:00 EDT

I have trouble reading that code as well. I understand the
need for the renaming, but does it have to be so drastic? Why not
just prepend Py_ to everything as it exists and be done with it? (I
understand I could be stirring up an age-old debate here...)

Guido van Rossum writes:
| > > Python would be easier to embed if all Python provided functions used a
| > > common prefix like "Py_". Functions would be named Py_load, Py_foo,
| > > Py_bar, etc.
| >
| > Indeed. Wasn't there a plan to do just that? What's the current timetable?
| Yes. You can already see the proposed renamings in quite some detail
| in Include/rename1.h. I hope to get this implemented by October. The
| tkinter module already uses the new conventions (which means I can't
| easily read that code :-).
| --Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <>
| <URL:>

-------> Tommy.

"I am who I am who I am. Well, who am I?" -- Dave Matthews