bug+patch: lambdas and lib/profile.py

Michael Scharf (scharf@EMBL-Heidelberg.DE)
01 Jun 1994 11:22:57 GMT


there is a little bug with lambdas and the Profiler: If there is somwhere in
the called function a lambda then the profiler gets an exception....



f=lambda x:x*x
print f(3) # f works fine :-)

import profile
# and now the profiler...

Traceback (innermost last):
File "<stdin>", line 1
File "/usr/pub/lib/python/profile.py", line 219
apply(func, args)
File "<stdin>", line -1
File "/usr/pub/lib/python/profile.py", line 43
key = filename + ':' + `lineno` + '(' + funcname + ')'
TypeError: illegal argument type for built-in operation


here is a patch for profile.py that fixes the problem:

*** old/profile.py Wed May 11 17:01:00 1994
--- new/profile.py Wed Jun 1 12:14:35 1994
*** 40,45 ****
--- 40,46 ----
lineno = codehack.getlineno(frame.f_code)
filename = frame.f_code.co_filename
+ if funcname==None: funcname='lambda'
key = filename + ':' + `lineno` + '(' + funcname + ')'
frame.f_locals['__key'] = key
self.call_level = depth(frame)
*** 135,140 ****
--- 136,142 ----
funcname = frame.f_code.co_name
lineno = codehack.getlineno(frame.f_code)
filename = frame.f_code.co_filename
+ if funcname==None: funcname='lambda'
key = filename + ':' + `lineno` + '(' + funcname + ')'
frame.f_locals['__key'] = key
if self.debug:
*** 146,151 ****
--- 148,154 ----
funcname = frame.f_code.co_name
lineno = codehack.getlineno(frame.f_code)
filename = frame.f_code.co_filename
+ if funcname==None: funcname='lambda'
pkey = filename + ':' + `lineno` + '(' + funcname + ')'
pframe.f_locals['__key'] = pkey
if self.debug:

  *****	   #####  #	#  #####   #	      Michael Scharf
 *******   #	  ##   ##  #	#  #	      European Molecular Biology Lab.
*********  #	  # # # #  #	#  #	      Protein Design Group
*********  #####  #  #	#  #####   #	      Meyerhofstr.1
** ******  #	  #	#  #	#  #	      69117 Heidelberg, Germany
 *******   #	  #	#  #	#  #	      Tel: +49 6221 387 305 Fax: 517
  *****	   #####  #	#  #####   ######     Mail: scharf@EMBL-Heidelberg.de