You wish is my command, Tim!
You may remember, I *DID* want to change (or add) an uplevel binding
in my newmod module. ImportModule is supposed to have a side effect
in it's callers namespace, the same as an import statement:
def caller():
import sys
1 + '' # make an error happen
except: # and return the caller's caller's frame
return sys.exc_traceback.tb_frame.f_back.f_back
def ImportModule( filename, modname ):
newmodule = importmodule( filename, modname )
frame = caller() # get the caller's frame
frame.f_globals[modname] = newmodule # and enter name in dict
Adapting a more generalized piece of code done when we were on the
subject of tracebacks ( from which I also clipped the above from ), here is your upglobals/uplocals.
( Note: when you uplocals(n) all the way up to the main interactive
level, you get a recursive (non printable) object. )
-- Steve Majewski (804-982-0831) <sdm7g@Virginia.EDU> --
-- UVA Department of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics --
-- Box 449 Health Science Center Charlottesville,VA 22908 --
[ "Cognitive Science is where Philosophy goes when it dies ...
if it hasn't been good!" - Jerry Fodor ]
def linearize( head, link_attr ):
list = []
obj = head
while obj:
list.append( obj )
obj = getattr( obj, link_attr )
return list
def callers():
import sys
1 + ''
traces = linearize( sys.exc_traceback.tb_frame, 'f_back' )
list = []
for frame in traces :
list.append( frame )
return list[2:] # return my callers callers
def upglobals( n ):
return callers()[n].f_globals
def uplocals( n ):
return callers()[n].f_locals
def upfname( n ):
return callers()[n].f_code.co_name