Actually .pyc files are not the only things that save marshalled code
objects. I have a screen generation class that loads a screen definition
file that contains the screen and python code to run for that screen.
I then use compile() to compile the python code and then saves the compiled
code to execute at a later time. I then save the code objects to files
to load faster similar to what is done with .pyc files except I look
at the compile time each time a screen is loaded and will recompile and
use the new version anytime the file is changed.. evan during a single run.
Actually I do the following:
# ok.. lets compile the code first.. then parse the screen
# to make sure we can look up everything needed!
t= '<screen \'' + screen_name + '\'>'
screen_code = compile(screen_code_text,t,'exec')
self.__class__.error = (sys.exc_type,sys.exc_value,
# sys.failed_lineno is a hack I put in.. This needs
# to be changed to Guido's "NEW" way of reporting
# the line number.
return 0
l_ns = {}
exec screen_code in l_ns
And then to execute anything in the compiled code, I then call the function
rtn_val = l_ns['function_name'](args)
-- Lance Ellinghouse