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Slideshow Collections for Instructional Use

We are collecting and making available slideshows for reading at your own pace and reuse in your presentations. The preferred format is reStructuredText/S5 since it can be easily edited without special software and converted into various delivery formats. Where possible, speaker notes are included to give the slides meaning without an audio overlay.

Preparing for Screencasting

Advice on how to get started giving screencasts, why you might want to do it and how to establish your recording studio. Then we move into planning your screencast and a few tips on using some presentation tools.

(actual video/screencast)

Giving Your Screencast

Now that you have a studio and a plan, we cover how to begin and conclude your screencast and a bit about postprocessing. Then we cover your behavior during your talk and how to get your screencast distributed to others.

(actual video/screencast)

Python and the Interactive Shell 'IPython'

A 5-minute introduction to the enhanced interactive shell 'IPython'. Superior to the default Python shell, IPython provides power object introspection features, easy access to operating system commands and text editor integration.

(actual video/screencast)

A Demonstration of ReStructuredText

A quick look at a style of marking up plaintext called "reStructuredText" with hotkeys from the Emacs text editor to view the result as HTML, PDF and slides.

(actual video/screencast)

Python and the Image Manipulation Library

A slideshow look at the features of the widely used 2-d image manipulation package for Python named 'PIL', providing for the viewing, copying, printing, filtering and transformation of images, including palette manipulation, pixel filtering and multipage animations.

(actual video/screencast)