Botonomy Uses Python to Create for Web-based Project Management
Category: | Business |
Keywords: | Project Management, Web2.0, Web Development, Groupware, Network Development, Product Development, Rapid Application Development |
Title: | Botonomy Uses Python to Create for Web-based Project Management |
Author: | Mike Coyle |
Contact: | |
Date: | 2006/08/23 15:00:00 |
Web site: | |
Summary: | Python and the Twisted asynchronous networking framework form the basis for an advanced project management tool written with an Ajax web interface. |
Logo: | ![]() |
ProjectPipe is a hosted project management solution developed by Botonomy LLC. It provides everything that you need to manage the full lifecycle of a midsized project.
Although it is a hosted browser-based application, ProjectPipe seamlessly integrates with MS Project, Excel, and Word, allowing users to leverage the benefits of ProjectPipe without abandoning the desktop tools that they (and their peers) use and understand.
We believe that dependency management is the root cause of many project headaches, so we make it very easy to establish, manage, and visualize dependencies among and across requirements, tasks, issues, etc.
With ProjectPipe, all project team members have access to project data, as well as a Subversion source code repository. All of the features are integrated, and we leverage a number of modern techniques to help you manage your data, such as RSS, Tagging, and an intuitive "Ajax" interface. You can manage your data as an outline, or build custom queries with complete control over filter criteria, column layout, and sort order. We figure that you know more about your project than we do, so we give you a set of very flexible tools to mold our software around your project, instead of vice-versa.
Christian Simms, Botonomy co-founder, and I had worked together for several years, and we used Python for utility-type tasks in larger J2EE projects. We had talked informally a couple of times about building some kind of software product or service.
I had just wrapped up a project where the client had no source code control or issue tracking tools available to the 100% offsite project team. We talked about the fact that there wasn't a hosted solution that explicitly addressed all of the project management needs of small teams at an attractive price point. We also saw the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model being validated by the likes of and likely to grow in the coming years.
So we set out to build the "Everything that you need to run a midsized project in one box" service, combining project data (requirements, issues, etc.), process guidance, and source code management in a single integrated solution. We also had the idea that we could bring simplified, purpose-built Nouvelle Artificial Intelligence (think videogames, not academia) to the agile project management world by providing a number of autonomous agents, or "bots", to assist small agile project teams in their planning, process adherence, and execution.
We wrote bots to conduct interviews, bots to maintain risk lists, bots to build project plans, etc. We believe that by leveraging bots to handle well-understood and/or repetitive tasks, team members would have greater autonomy in addressing the high-value needs of their project. Hence the name of our company, Botonomy LLC.
Python made our initial proof-of-concept experiments fast and painless to implement (even if the late nights and weekends weren't so painless). Many people have used the term "executable pseudo-code" to describe Python, and I wholeheartedly agree. If we had to do our prototypes in a heavier language and more cumbersome development environment, we wouldn't have gotten the momentum that we needed to get the idea off the ground.
After we had the bot architecture working, we went back-to-basics and fleshed out the UI and content-related aspects of the system. We had our first beta release in September 2005. We went live in production on 12/23/2005 (that's Festivus for any Seinfeld fans out there). In May 2006, we released a major upgrade to the application, with significant usability and look-and-feel improvements. Some of the bot-based functionality made it into the production releases, and other pieces are still being developed or refined for future releases.
The View from 10,000 Feet
ProjectPipe actually has a somewhat novel architecture. It uses a traditional relational database for persistence, but it also uses an XMPP/Jabber server to manage the communications among the several bots that run the backoffice, performing tasks such as creating new accounts, building project plans, etc. These bots basically chat back and forth over IM as if they were people. This XMPP infrastructure also drives our desktop integration strategy, allowing rich interaction between the browser-based application and MS Project, Excel, and Word.
Part of the "secret sauce" of ProjectPipe lies in the way we're bridging the HTTP and XMPP worlds behind the scenes. We're pleased that we were able to address a tricky real-world problem (web-to-desktop integration) atop open standards (HTTP and XMPP) and documented interfaces (MS Office COM bindings). Below is a high-level diagram of the ProjectPipe distributed architecture:

High-level view of the ProjectPipe distributed Architecture Zoom in
In addition to addressing the web-to-desktop integration challenge, this bot-based architecture had three interesting side-effects:
- It allowed us to interact in real-time with these subsystems. We could fire up iChat and interact with the bots via IM, using a simple and limited english-like grammar
- It allowed us to make the core system relatively small, since we didn't need to bundle in the work that was being done by the bots. Sure, there was still code to write, but the bot code is conceptually and physically decoupled from the stuff that drives the web user interface.
- It provides a roadmap for gradually folding in the AI functionality that got us excited and working on this in the first place. Most importantly, we can add arbitrarily complex functionality without making any significant changes to the core system
A Peek Under the Hood
To implement this distributed, multi-protocol architecture, ProjectPipe is built atop the Twisted Networking Framework. Twisted's asynchronous model allows us to have all of the Jabber bots running in the same process as the HTTP server, but we could just as easily migrate the bots to other processes, hardware, or data centers, for that matter.
I cannot imagine building a system of this type without using Python and Twisted.
Christian and I both had previous experience with Python, but primarily as a scripting language to process text or automate miscellaneous tasks. I went to PyCon 2004, and was shocked by the number of interesting projects that were developed and maintained by lone developers or very small teams. I was particularly impressed by the demos and presentations given by the Twisted team.
We briefly considered using J2EE, but felt that rapid development of our initial prototypes would be much faster in Python and Twisted. In the end, we estimate that it would have taken us at least twice as long for a solution with less than half the functionality if we had gone with J2EE.
Python was an ingredient from the beginning. The asynchronous networking in Twisted made this type of multi-protocol application possible. The clarity, conciseness, and expressiveness of Python made it practical for a two-person team to take it on. The lack of an explicit compilation step, coupled with the ability to dynamically reload modules allow us to turn very fast cycles during development.
The current codebase is about 30K lines of code, written over the last year or so. I do a lot of the prototypes, mockups, etc., but Christian has implemented most of the current codebase himself. The productivity that Python provides over the "mainstream" languages is profound.
We've also found the application stack to be very robust. As our flagship application, ProjectPipe is mission critical. If it proved unreliable to our customers, we'd be out of business.
The Cast of Characters
Alongside Python, there are a host of other tools and technologies in use:
- Twisted, as the basis for all application networking
- Nevow for much of the Web-based UI
- MochiKit for Javascript-based browser functionality
- PyDot for dependency graph rendering, and to draw workflow diagrams for our integrated workflow editor. PyDot relies on graphviz and pyparsing
- Python for Windows extensions for client-side integration with MS Office (Project, Excel, Word)
- Jabber for backoffice component interaction and desktop-to-web integration
- Wildfire as our backend XMPP Server
- wxPython for the Local Client used in MS Office import/export
- We provide an integrated Subversion source code repository
- PostgreSQL and SQLite for data management
- Last, but certainly not least, VIM :)
Parting thoughts about Python
We are very happy with the development velocity and runtime performance that we're getting with Python. Building our application atop Twisted imposed a bit of a learning curve, but well worth it since it enables ProjectPipe to be a true multi-protocol application, speaking HTTP and XMPP/Jabber.
If Python had a Just-in-Time (JIT) compiler, then we would not have had occasional misgivings while worrying about hitting performance snags. Java's JIT provides much better performance than Python when executing complex algorithms.
The one problem that I see with Python is that there isn't a single dominant web application development framework / paradigm at the moment. However, we're pretty optimistic that TurboGears is going to become the long-term de facto standard for building web applications in Python, and Botonomy is currently building out consulting and training offerings around the TurboGears stack. But Twisted is still the way to go for general network programming or multi-protocol web-centric applications.
- Product Website
- Botonomy Website
- Approach.Botonomy.Com: Project Management and Software Development Best Practices
- Mike Coyle's Weblog
- Christian Simms' Weblog
About the Authors
Mike Coyle and Christian Simms are the founders of Botonomy LLC, a small technology firm outside Philadelphia, PA.