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Honeywell Avoids Documentation Costs with Python and other Open Standards

Category:Business, Software Development
Keywords:XML, Fortune 500, ROI Case Study, Documentation Development
Title:Honeywell Avoids Documentation Costs with Python and other Open Standards
Author: Andrew Jonathan Fine
Date: 2005-06-13
Summary:Honeywell integrates Python, COM, DocBook, OpenJade, and Word to create a documentation tool that yields substantial return on investment.


This article shows how I integrated Python, COM, DocBook, OpenJade, and Word together to create a documentation tool for BEACON, a visual programming environment. This documentation tool was used for code reviews in the software development methodology at my company, and led to significant (>$1M) in cost savings.

Before starting this project, I had no prior experience using SGML, XML, or other document markup languages. It was only when I was perilously close to reinventing the concept of markup languages, by adapting direct PythonCOM-to-Word interfaces from Mark Hammond's book Python Programming on Win32, that I decided there had be a better way to do this from a design and maintenance standpoint.

A Web search provided me with a crash course on markup languages such as XML, HTML, and SGML. My search also provided insight into DocBook SGML, a popular open standard, and OpenJade, an open source package that can translate DocBook SGML into Word Rich Text.

This arrangement wasn't perfect but I quickly realized that I could use it to save a year in development and maintenance costs, and to respond more quickly to new assignments.

The Core Data Flow

My primary task was to translate arbitrary data mined from various sources scattered throughout my organization into sensible-looking Microsoft Word 97 reports.

I decided that this was best handled through a core pipeline of applications that cooperated with each other using common data conventions. This pipeline would be controlled by a Python generator application that would drive a set of front end translators, a content inserter, and a post-processing formatter to generate the reports. Python had recently been chosen as our department's successor language for automated test scripts. I noticed Python's potential beyond use for testing, so I obtained permission from my manager to use it for this task.

The front end translators in this application harvest content (pictures, tables, paragraphs) from various data sources and place it into a dictionary. The content inserter creates a Word document and inserts values from the dictionary into it. The post-processing formatter takes the result and modifies it according to the latest corporate Word format style template.

This flow was designed to cope with changes in requirements by the different teams within our department, and by corporate-level standards. For example, the layout of reports was determined by the generator application in a layout class that could be replaced with other classes to support new types of reports.

The first front-end translator I needed to create was to take pictures, tables, and data from recursive property lists constructed by an aerospace industry software visual programming tool called BEACON. From this translator I was able to obtain a huge amount of sample data fit for testing the Word content inserter.

Problems with the Inserter

The first version of the content inserter was based on principles demonstrated in Python Programming on Win32, which contains a detailed description of how Python can create and manipulate Word documents with the Word 97 COM object model. This implementation inserted the content into Word documents by driving Word directly through its COM interface.

Unfortunately, the COM interface was much too slow to handle the massive number of table cells that were extracted from the BEACON source code.

Worse were the reuse issues with the classes I was writing for dealing with the different stylistic requirements at the different levels of sections, headings, paragraphs, and phrases.

To address these problems, I considered writing ASCII text files to specify margins, font, heading level, and insertion points for standard forms. But inventing my own standard for text-specified typesetting would have been time consuming and costly both to develop and to maintain.

What I really needed was a Python API to quickly generate nicely typeset copy in Word 97 for a limited set of documents, but in 2001 there was nothing available to do this. My only alternative was to find an open standard for typesetting that could be translated into Word 97 format after documents had been generated.

Shopping for a Standard

To find a solution, I spent some time surveying available open source typesetting solutions. The two most popular are TeX and DocBook, both of which are supported by open source implementations written in C.

DocBook was chosen because it had more clearly defined and documented production rules for typesetting elements. DocBook, The Definitive Guide is a real treasure when it comes to explaining these rules in detail.

DocBook provides a set of Document Type Definition (.DTD) and Document Stylesheet (.DSL) files written in DSSSL, the Document Style Semantics and Specification Language. DocBook comes packaged in two flavors, one for SGML and the other for XML document encoding. Both SGML and XML have similar nested structures of tags and the same logical structure for the DTDs and DSLs. However, the XML rules were still under development during 2001, so I chose the more reliable and mature SGML rule set.

DocBook also provides the ability to write local document type definitions and style sheets, called Local.DTD and Local.DSL, respectively. These allow for the introduction of additional document elements, and their renderings, on top of those provided by DocBook.

For example, some of the teams at my company wanted features in the final Word document that amounted to arbitrary Word field-code support in the SGML.

To support this, I wrote a local DocBook stylesheet and definition file pair (Local.DSL, Local.DTD) to emit the sequences in RTF corresponding to the desired field codes. RTF requires unescaped characters {, }, and \\, so I modified OpenJade to map Unicodes 0xFFFD, 0xFFFE, and 0xFFFF in the stylesheet to these unescaped characters.

I also found an archived post on the docbook-apps mailing list that was extremely helpful for aligning the contents of DocBook download components into a workable hierarchy.

An Example Python API for DocBook

To support development of the necessary content inserter with DocBook, I needed a Python API that could be used to quickly generate the SGML formatted documents. The design chosen for this API provides abstract classes for each document element type in a DocBook Python module. These abstract classes can be inherited in code that defines particular document structures, and can be nested arbitrarily, so that each maps to a different level or part of the output document's structure.

As an example, suppose we want to generate the following table as part of a Word document:

Name Type
statex Integer
statey Long

The SGML text used for this table is written in terms of Local.DSL and Local.DTD as follows:

<!DOCTYPE informaltable SYSTEM "C:\Local.dtd">
<informaltable frame='all'>
<tgroup cols='2' colsep='1' rowsep='1' align='center'>
<colspec colname='Name' colwidth='75' align='left'></colspec>
<colspec colname='Type' colwidth='64' align='center'></colspec>
<entry><emphasis role='bold'>Name</emphasis></entry>
<entry><emphasis role='bold'>Type</emphasis></entry>
<entry><phrase role='xe' condition='italic'>statex</phrase></entry>
<entry><phrase role='xe' condition='italic'>statey</phrase></entry>

Here is the Python listing that generates the above SGML by basing on the DocBook class tree:

from DocBook import DocBook

class ItalicIndexPhrase (DocBook.Rules.Phrase):

    "italic indexible text phrase"
    TITLE    = DocBook.Rules.Phrase
    def __init__        (self, text):
        DocBook.Rules.Phrase.__init__ (self, 'xe', 'italic') = [ text ]

class NameCell          (DocBook.Rules.Entry):

    "table row cell describing name of identifier (italic and indexible text!)"
    TITLE    = DocBook.Rules.Entry

    def __init__        (self, text):
        DocBook.Rules.Entry.__init__ (self) = [ ItalicIndexPhrase (text) ]

class StorageCell       (DocBook.Rules.Entry):

    "table row cell describing storage type of identifier (ordinary text)"
    TITLE    = DocBook.Rules.Entry
    def __init__        (self, text):
        DocBook.Rules.Entry.__init__ (self) = text

class TRow              (DocBook.Rules.Row):

    "each row in application's informal table body"
    TITLE    = DocBook.Rules.Row
    def __init__        (self, binding):
        (identifier, storage) = binding
        DocBook.Rules.Row.__init__ (self, [ NameCell    (identifier),
                                            StorageCell (storage)

class TBody             (DocBook.Rules.TBody):

    "application's informal table body"
    TITLE    = DocBook.Rules.TBody

    def __init__        (self, items):
        DocBook.Rules.TBody.__init__ (self, map (TRow, items))

class TGroup            (DocBook.Rules.TGroup):

    "application's informal table group"

    COLSPECS = [ DocBook.Rules.ColSpec ('Name', 75, 'left'),
                 DocBook.Rules.ColSpec ('Type', 64, 'center')

    SHAPE    = [ '2', '1', '1', 'center' ]
    TBODY    = TBody

class InformalTable     (DocBook.Rules.InformalTable):

    "application's informal table"
    TGROUP   = TGroup

class Example           (DocBook):

    'example application of DocBook formatting class'
    SECTION  = str  (InformalTable)
    def __call__    (self): = [ InformalTable ()( ]
        return DocBook.__call__ (self)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print Example ([('statex', 'Integer'), ('statey', 'Long')]) ()

The OpenJade Interface

OpenJade is an open source product that provides a means to get from SGML encoded documents to Microsoft Rich Text Format (RTF). It reads the DocBook DSSSL stylesheets and user's local DSSSL stylesheets, if any. The DSSSL is executed upon the user's SGML source text to write a final document to load into the user's word processor.

For this project, we wanted to automatically generate files readable by Microsoft Word, so OpenJade was set to emit Microsoft Word Rich Text files. OpenJade operates as a command-line application, and thus is simple to control from Python code with the Popen4 Python standard library call.

Post-Processing using Word Automation with PythonCOM

The Microsoft Rich Text Format files created by OpenJade are quite attractive in overall appearance. However, they did not conform with many of the corporate level standards for formatted Word documentation files.

A local DSSSL stylesheet (Local.DSL) was written to override several of the default DocBook DSSSL settings and bring them into alignment with corporate standards. However, this did not address the need to set standardized Word style identifiers names in the documents.

To solve this problem, a reformatter was needed as the final stage of the document pipeline. It accesses Word as a COM object in order to traverse the table, figure, heading, and section level style identifiers at the various levels of the generated RTF document's object model. During traversal, it renames style identifiers to conform with those provided in a Microsoft Word Document Template (.DOT) file handed out as a standard by our local reprographics department.

After this conversion, the post-processor saves the finished document in Microsoft Word document format.

None of the post-processing tasks were particularly difficult. Once the COM interface to a Win32 application is well understood, that application devolves into just another library in the hands of a Python developer.

Return On Investment

The assumptions used to derive the return on investment (ROI) figures presented here are conservative.

I spent the bulk of 2001 developing a system using the ideas in this paper to automatically translate content from a BEACON visual programming language file directly into a Word document. In 2002 I also made significant revisions to the software. My total effort in development, maintenance, and support was about half time over a two year period.

Between the years 2002 and 2003, my department had 5 ongoing projects at various stages of development ranging in complexity from 30 visual programming files to as many as 150, perhaps 75 on average.

During each of these years for each of those projects, there were at least 2 major mandated releases where the important contents of every file had to be peer reviewed: examined in detail by no less than 3 engineers simultaneously (moderator, author, and inspector).

Each of these releases required that every visual programming file be rendered into a viewable hard copy format containing all of its diagrams; and a cross-referenced table of all identifiers in every diagram with storage classes, ranges, initial values, documentation, and other fields.

The visual programming language GUI application, BEACON, has no comprehensive hardcopy generator. Instead, it would take an entry level engineer working under moderate supervision to inspect the file with BEACON running on UNIX over a UNIX to Win32 X terminal emulator, manually transferring text from the X terminal into an open Word document.

The least complex of these files (about 20%) would take half a day. The bulk of the files (60%) would take an entire day on average. The most complex of these files (about 20%) would take at least 2 days.

This stood to waste significant engineering labor that was better spent in improving the quality of my department's software products.

Each project release:       1/5 * 75 *  4 hours     =           60  hours
                            3/5 * 75 *  8 hours     =          360  hours
                            1/5 * 75 * 16 hours     =          240  hours
                                                               660  hours

Two major releases per year:        * 2             =        1 320  hours
Five projects needing releases:     * 5             =        6 600  hours
Two year period (2002-2003)         * 2             =       13 200  hours
Total effort avoided:                                       13 200  hours

Automated releases over 2 year period:                         160  hours
My effort (12 * 140 hours per labor month):                  1 680  hours
Total investment:                                            1 840  hours

Net effort avoided, 2002-3:                                 11 360  hours
Net cost avoided by customers 2002-3 at $100/hour        1 136 000  dollars
Net labor years avoided at 1680 hours/year:                   6.76  years
Head count avoided per year:                                  3.38  people

ROI (Total effort avoided / total invested) 2002-3:           7.17

From the table above, the return on investment for automating the generation of documentation just for formal releases to customers clearly helped my department avoid a substantial amount of manual labor cost.

Python and DocBook together proved to be a formidable combination for eliminating a real-world business process bottleneck.


The decision of my department to adopt Python and to allow me to use it along with another open standard, DocBook, has been vindicated by a substantial return on investment over a medium term period of time, even if only in terms of documentation costs avoided.