Re: Creating a Python newsgroup

Bill Janssen (
Thu, 20 Jan 1994 15:32:09 PST

I find unmoderated newsgroups typically to be the death of interesting
technical discussion about a particular topic. I attribute this to the
ease with which an interested but ignorant person can join the
discussion `community' -- there seem to be a lot of bored undergraduates
out there. Unfortunately, far too many of these people feel the need to
speak and reveal their ignorance, rather than listen and reflect and
learn. The signal to noise ratio seems to go way down, to the point
where busy non-ignorant people no longer have the time to keep up with
the newsgroup.

Mailing lists provide an interesting `energy barrier', in that a
contributor has to explicitly ask someone to be added to the list. A
tiny barrier, but enough to filter out many of the chatty dilettantes.
[Mind you, I don't feel in any way that these unreflective ignorant
people are *bad* people, just that they tend to clog the communications

On the other hand, moderated newsgroups seem to work well;
comp.dcom.telecom is a shining example. But they demand some work from
a moderator. I'd suggest that if a Python newsgroup is felt to be
really necessary, that a moderator be solicited from the members of
