Subject: Re: your tutorial
From: David Ascher <>
To: Guido van Rossum <guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US>
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 11:04:08 -0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)

sorry, forgot.  Here it is:


In this tutorial, I will aim to teach Python programmers what they need to
know in order to use JPython effectively.  This includes:

  - What JPython is, and how it works,
  - How JPython manages memory differently from CPython, and the
    consequences thereof,
  - How one installs JPython (including the JVM installation and which
    JVMs one should use and why),
  - How to find out about Java libraries, Javadoc, etc,
  - Running Jpython, jpythonc, etc.  Making class files, applets,
  - The ways in which JPython and CPython differ, including the ability to
    make Python methods synchronized, Unicode handling, and the library
  - The smarts JPython applies to Java libraries (bean property handling,
    action handling, etc.),
  - How JPython (a language with multiple inheritance but no polymorphism)
    interacts with Java (a language with single inheritance and interfaces
    and polymorphism), including issues of type conversion and type
  - How to embed JPython in a Java application, and how to extend JPython
    with new extension modules.
  - Code examples will be used throughout to illustrate each point,
    including examples which use the Swing GUI library.

Working knowledge of Python will be assumed, and knowledge of Java is
useful but not needed to follow the tutorial.


  David Ascher is the co-author with Mark Lutz of O'Reilly & Associates'
  _Learning Python_.  He is also a Python consultant and trainer, and a 
  vision researcher at the Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute.  His 
  special interests include Object Oriented Programming methods,
  scientific computing, user interfaces and visualization.