
Scott Cropper

Digital Creations, L.C.
910 Princess Anne Street Suite 300
Fredericksburg, VA 22401






DocumentTemplate provides for creation of textual documents, such as HTML pages, from template source by inserting data from Python objects and name-spaces. DocumentTemplate is especially useful when it is desirable to separate template text from Python program source. For example, HTML templates may be edited by people who know HTML but don't know Python, while associated Python code may be edited by people who know Python but not HTML.

When a document template is created, a collection of default values to be inserted may be specified with a mapping object and with keyword arguments.

DocumentTemplate may be called to create a document with values inserted. When called, an instance, a mapping object, and keyword arguments may be specified to provide values to be inserted. If an instance is provided, the document template will try to look up values in the instance using getattr, so inheritence of values is supported. If an inserted value is a function, method, or class, then an attempt will be made to call the object to obtain values. This allows instance methods to be included in documents.

DocumentTemplates masquerade as functions, so the Python Object Publisher (Bobo) will call templates that are stored as instances of published objects. Bobo will pass the object the template was found in and the HTTP request object.

Two source formats are supported:

Extended Python format strings (EPFS)

This format is based on the insertion by name format strings of Python with additional format characters, [ and ] to indicate block boundaries. In addition, parameters may be used within formats to control how insertion is done.

For example:

%(date fmt=DayOfWeek upper)s

causes the contents of variable date to be inserted using custom format DayOfWeek and with all lower case letters converted to upper case.


This format uses HTML server-side-include syntax with commands for inserting text. Parameters may be included to customize the operation of a command.

For example:

<!--#var total fmt=12.2f-->

is used to insert the variable total with the C format 12.2f.

Variable insertion parameters:

When inserting variables, parameters may be specified to control how the data will be formatted. In HTML source, the fmt parameter is used to specify a C-style or custom format to be used when inserting an object. In EPFS source, the fmt parameter is only used for custom formats, a C-style format is specified after the closing parenthesis.

Custom formats

A custom format is used when outputting user-defined objects. The value of a custom format is a method name to be invoked on the object being inserted. The method should return an object that, when converted to a string, yields the desired text. For example, the HTML source:

<!--#var date fmt=DayOfWeek-->

Inserts the result of calling the method DayOfWeek of the object bound to the variable date, with no arguments.

In addition to object methods, serveral additional custom formats are available:


Convert characters that have special meaning in HTML to HTML character entities.


Convert characters that have special meaning in URLS to HTML character entities using decimal values.


Convert newlines and carriage-return and newline combinations to break tags.


Show a numeric value with a dollar symbol.


Show a numeric value with a dollar symbol and commas showing thousands, millions, and so on.


Show a numeric value with a dollar symbol and two decimal places.


Show a numeric value with a dollar symbol and two decimal places and commas showing thousands, millions, and so on.

Note that when using the EPFS source format, both a C-style and a custom format may be provided. In this case, the C-Style format is applied to the result of calling the custom formatting method.

Null values

String manipulation

The parameters lower and upper may be provided to cause the case of the inserted text to be changed.

The parameter capitalize may be provided to cause the first character of the inserted value to be converted to upper case.

The parameter spacify may be provided to cause underscores in the inserted value to be converted to spaces.

DocumentTemplate supports conditional and sequence insertion

DocumentTemplates extend Python string substitition rules with a mechanism that allows conditional insertion of template text and that allows sequences to be inserted with element-wise insertion of template text.

Conditional insertion

Conditional insertion is performed using if and else commands.

To include text when an object is true using the EPFS format, use:

%(if name)[
%(if name)]

To include text when an object is true using the HTML format, use:

<!--#if name-->
<!--#/if name-->

where name is the name bound to the object.

To include text when an object is false using the EPFS format, use:

%(else name)[
%(else name)]

To include text when an object is false using the HTML format, use:

<!--#else name-->
<!--#/else name-->

To include text when an object is true and to include different text when the object is false using the EPFS format, use:

%(if name)[
true text
%(if name)]
%(else name)[
false text
%(else name)]

To include text when an object is true and to include different text when the object is false using the HTML format, use:

<!--#if name-->
true text
<!--#else name-->
false text
<!--#/if name-->

Sequence insertion

A sequence may be inserted using an in command. The in command specifies the name of a sequence object and text to be inserted for each element in the sequence.

The EPFS syntax for the in command is:

%(in name)[
%(in name)]

The HTML syntax for the in command is:

<!--#in name-->
<!--#/in name-->

See the example below that shows how if, else, and in commands may be combined to display a possibly empty list of objects.

The text included within an in command will be refered to as an in block.

Within an in block, variables are substituted from the elements of the iteration. The elements may be either instance or mapping objects. In addition, the variables below are defined for each element:


The element.


The index, starting from 0, of the element within the sequence.


The index, starting from 1, of the element within the sequence.


The index, starting from a, of the element within the sequence.


The index, starting from A, of the element within the sequence.


The index, starting from i, of the element within the sequence.


The index, starting from I, of the element within the sequence.


A variable that is true if the element being displayed is the first of the displayed elements, and false otherwise.


A variable that is true if the element being displayed is the last of the displayed elements, and false otherwise.

Normally, in blocks are used to iterate over sequences of instances. If the optional parameter mapping is specified after the sequence name, then the elements of the sequence will be treated as mapping objects.

An in command may be used to iterate over a sequence of dictionary items. If the elements of the iteration are two-element tuples, then then the template code given in the in block will be applied to the second element of each tuple and may use a variable, sequence-key to access the first element in each tuple.

Batch sequence insertion

When displaying a large number of objects, it is sometimes desireable to display just a sub-sequence of the data. An in command may have optional parameters, as in:

<!--#in values start=start_var size=7-->

The parameter values may be either integer literals or variable names.

Up to five parameters may be set:


The number of the first element to be shown, where elements are numbered from 1.


The number of the last element to be shown, where elements are numbered from 1.


The desired number of elements to be shown at once.


The desired minimum number of objects to be displayed. The default value for this parameter is 3.


The desired overlap between batches. The default is no overlap.

Typically, only start and size will be specified.

When batch insertion is used, several additional variables are defined for use within the sequence insertion text:


The batch size used.


This variable will be true when the first element is displayed and when the first element displayed is not the first element in the sequence.


The index, starting from 0, of the start of the batch previous to the current batch.


The index, starting from 0, of the end of the batch previous to the current batch.


The size of the batch previous to the current batch.


A sequence of mapping objects containing information about all of the batches prior to the batch being displayed.

Each of these mapping objects include the following variables:


The index, starting from 0, of the beginning of the batch.


The index, starting from 0, of the end of the batch.


The size of the batch.


This variable will be true when the last element is displayed and when the last element displayed is not the last element in the sequence.


The index, starting from 0, of the start of the batch after the current batch.


The index, starting from 0, of the end of the batch after the current batch.


The size of the batch after the current batch.


A sequence of mapping objects containing information about all of the batches after the batch being displayed.

Each of these mapping objects include the following variables:


The index, starting from 0, of the beginning of the batch.


The index, starting from 0, of the end of the batch.


The size of the batch.

For each of the variables listed above with names ending in "-index", there are variables with names ending in "-number", "-roman", "-Roman", "-letter", and "-Letter" that are indexed from 1, "i", "I", "a", and "A", respectively. In addition, for every one of these variables there are variables with names ending in "-var-xxx", where "xxx" is an element attribute name or key.

Summary statistics

When performing sequence insertion, special variables may be used to obtain summary statistics. To obtain a summary statistic for a variable, use the variable name: statistic-name, where statistic is a statistic name and name is the name of a data variable.

Currently supported statistic names are:


The total of numeric values.


The total number of non-missing values.


The minimum of non-missing values.


The maximum of non-missing values.


The median of non-missing values.


The mean of numeric values values.


The variance of numeric values computed with a degrees of freedom qeual to the count - 1.


The variance of numeric values computed with a degrees of freedom qeual to the count.


The standard deviation of numeric values computed with a degrees of freedom qeual to the count - 1.


The standard deviation of numeric values computed with a degrees of freedom qeual to the count.

Missing values are either None or the attribute Value of the module Missing, if present.

Implementation Mechanisms
