November 4-5, 1996

Hosted by FedUnix '96
Washington D.C. Convention Center
see map for details and accommodations
Because of arrangements with FedUnix, there will be no charge
for attending this meeting. However, there will have a table set up to collect PSA membership fees and your generous donations, (The freeloaders should at least feel guilty:-)
Please fill out the registration form
if you plan to attend the workshop.
Session topics for this workshop have been organized based on
the papers that were submitted as well as to meet short term
objectives of the PSA. A full Python Conference is being
planned for sometime in 1997. There are four sessions for
this workshop:
- Open Forum on Python Extensions - presentations on
Python based application or extension. (Scientific Python
extensions are of special interest.) - See session 1 papers and
- Using Python with the World Wide Web - Python is a
popular language for building WWW servers and several papers
were submitted on the subject. The sessions were reorganized the
to accommodate the papers that were submitted on this subject. - See session 2 papers and
- Preserving Investments in Legacy Software -
presentations by organizations that are using Python to
preserve the valuable portions of legacy systems - See session 3 papers and
- A session for meeting with Guido to discuss the next
phase of Python's development. (Planning for Python 2.0) -
See session 4 papers and
The Details:
- The agenda
- Papers and Presentations
- T-shirts (TBD)
- Tutorials - The Python workshop was added to the FedUNIX
conference at the last minute. At this time it doesn't look like
there will be tutorials added to the schedule.
How can you help?