OO-Browser does not cope well in a situation where a class with a same name is defined in multiple source files in an OO-browser environment.
It is not possible to see where a certain class is used, this has-a type relation is unsupported.
In the Python support a shortcut was done in that no nested classes are supported.
The browsing is based on static analysis of the python source code. This excludes built-in modules from the browsing. However, it would be relatively simple to build a python program that generates a python source code containing at least the function names and documentation strings in a format parsable by OO-Browser. Another drawback with just browsing the source is that due to dynamic nature of Python, it is possible to add methods to class instances at runtime, or even to create new classes. Naturally browsing these kinds of dynamic structures is currently impossible. Extending OO-Browser to the direction of debugging a live Python process would enable live object browsing.