Re: unparsed sequence args
Fri, 07 Apr 1995 10:44:35 +0200

> Hi, I was wondering if there's a way to passed unparsed arguments to
> sequence like methods. For instance, for sq_ass_slice methods,
> instead of
> static int something_ass_slice(self, ilow, ihigh, v)
> somethingobject *self;
> int ilow, ihigh;
> PyObject *v;
> { ...
> }
> I rather have
> static int set_something_with_unparsed_index(self, index, v)
> somethingobject *self;
> PyObject *index, *v;
> {...
> }
> and have this called from Python with a syntax like:
> >>> a.[1,2,3] or
> >>> a.{1,2,3} or
> >>> a.<1,2,3> or
> something like this where Python passes the arguments within the
> brackets to my methods for somethingobject.
> Is this where tp_call comes into play?

Not quite. Such notations as you propose would require a change to
the syntax of the language, which is currently hardcoded. What you
can do with tp_call is implement the *function call* notation:

>>> a(1,2,3)

Your C function assigned to tp_call will then be called as any
built-in function:

PyObject *callit(self, args)
PyObject *self;
PyObject *args;

--Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <>