Re: Python 1.2 and Motif

Harri Pasanen (
26 Mar 1995 20:27:47 GMT

Stephane Lentz <> writes:

> Furthermore, I would to know if WxPython makes it easier to develop
> graphic interfaces and how stable it is (how many people use it by
> the way ?).

I'm not sure what you are comparing wxPython against here. I'd say
that for Motif GUI development with wxPython is pretty good.
It is about as easy as vpApp, and more stable. In theory vpApp
does have some very nice features that wxPython still lacks. If you
are running on SGI machines only, vpApp might be the correct choice.

wxPython is user interface wise about as stable as wxWindows, which is
pretty stable for me, but your mileage may wary, depending on the
machine and the compiler you are using.

I have no idea how many people are using wxPython, probably not very
many. Currently there are three more or less active developers
developing wxPython and the next, much improved, version should
get more users.

Take Care,


Harri Pasanen