Re: Who likes Info files?

Tim Gilbert (
Tue, 21 Mar 1995 18:18:32 GMT

Eric Daniel ( wrote:
: I was thinking about converting all the Python documentation to Info
: files. Currently, a python script converts the library reference to texinfo,
: but the other parts of the doc can't be converted. [ ... ]

Personally, info files give me the heebie-jeebies. I would much prefer
html documentation, or even Plain Old Text... Not that I'll complain if
you do it, as long as there is some alternative to info. (One of my
problems with info is that it isn't easy to view from a Mac/Windows
machine unless you install emacs.)

How about something like the perl5 manuals? They are in an sort of
intermediate language, and come with scripts that will turn them into
either man pages or html (or both). I don't think it would be too
hard to add an info translator for something of that nature...

-- Tim

Tim Gilbert <> <>