[Q] Exit hook for a "C" extension module

Raymond E. Suorsa (grendel@fen.arc.nasa.gov)
15 Mar 1995 05:15:18 GMT

Hi kids,

My Python/Khoros interface is chugging right along. But I can't find
the answer to this simple question in my docs or my selective
comp.lang.python archive:

Simply put: How do I supply an exit hook for a module (i.e. how do I
run clean up code before python exits. This is to unlink shared memory
that will still exist even after python shuts down normally.)



__o Ray Suorsa \<, grendel@windchime.arc.nasa.gov (pgp capable) ()/ () NASA/Ames:USA (Lab) +1 415-604-6334 (Office) +1 415-604-5451