Re: accessing local and global dictionaries

Donald Beaudry (
Thu, 02 Mar 1995 09:55:25 -0500

In your message dated Thu, 02 Mar 1995 14:57:40 +0100, you wrote
> At the moment there's no optimizer for globals accesses. However,
> this may change. I suppose that use of the vars() function will have
> to disable this optimizer...

Considering how often I use the vars() function I would really hate to
see current or future optimizations disabled due to its use. I almost
always consider the dictionary returned by vars() as read-only. It is
quite useful as the right hand side of the format operator. I would
rather see a read-only restriction added to the returned dictionary
instead of the removal of optimizations. How common is the use vars()
to modify the environment?

Donald Beaudry                                DataViews Corporation
Software Engineer                             47 Pleasant Street                                Northampton, MA 01060
		  "So much code, so little time..."