Re: Incompatibilities with Tk 4.0 beta
Fri, 24 Feb 1995 12:44:58 +0100

> It seems my kindly system administrator has installed the beta
> release of Tk 4.0 on our system, which seems wildly incompatible
> with the current (1.2 beta) Tkinter. Is someone working on a new
> Tkinter (and whatever else needs to change)?

Well, I've been playing around with it a bit, but as you say there
seem to be a lot of changes necessary in and I haven't
found the time yet to adapt Tkinter in a systematic way. There's one
necessary fix to tkintermodule.c: the body of Tkinter_Cleanup should
be commented out, else you get a core dump when Python exits.

--Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <>