Re: arbitrary exception handlers
Thu, 23 Feb 95 09:24:23 +1100

>I'm not sure I understand your problem. If you call code in another
>module from within a try-except statement, your exception handler will
>still be invoked, e.g.
> # module A
> def f(): raise RuntimeError
> # module B
> import A
> try:
> A.f()
> except RuntimeError:
> print 'Got it'
>This will print 'Got it'.
>However, I feel that what you really want is to install an exception
>handler that gets called after the code that installed it is gone,
> # module A
> def f():
> on RuntimeError: print 'Got it'
> # module B
> import A
> A.f()
> raise RuntimeERror

This is I think what I am doing yes. My code does something like this,

W1 = start_some_widget
W2 = start_some_widget
Wn = start_some_widget


Some of these widgets respond to events, and this response code can
cause exceptions (for example some of the widgets do file saves). I
would like to catch all these exceptions using a single piece of
code in my "main" program. So set up something like,

exception catcher for E1, E2, ..., En

W1 = start_some_widget
W2 = start_some_widget
Wn = start_some_widget


But I suspect this is what you mean by installing an exception
handler that gets called "after the code that installed it is gone".

>This is not possible in Python. It smells of signal handling though
>-- maybe you can do something with the signal module?

What I have done is to pass each widget an error handler which the
widget calls on error, passing an exception, and args. Its not
pretty but its effective.


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Je suis pour le socialisme
Je suis pour le capitalisme
Parce que je suis opportuniste