RE: python for the people

Mark C. Allman (
Wed, 8 Feb 95 13:33:27 -0600

We have from (Donn Cave):

> ...
> So here's the distinction between the serious and casual programmer -
> maybe for example professional-programmer versus scientist-programmer.
> ...

For all those who intend to start a flame war, call each
other Hitler and the like, please either:

- Don't.
- Move that discussion to another group.

The distinction is getting blurred every day. As someone who's _both_
(and blurred, come to think of it), keeping distinctions around does
_not_ appear to serve a purpose anymore.

Danke in advance.

-- Mark Allman
-- Grad. student, Physics, Univ. of Houston
-- Space Shuttle Ascent Flight Analysis/Design, Rockwell Space Ops. Co.