RE: Value of exec statements?

Hammond, Mark (
Tue, 07 Feb 95 08:58:00 PST

> I'm working on a project where I want to embed snippets of python code in
> a text document that will be evaluated when the document is displayed. I
> want to give the user more flexibility than is allowed with the eval
> function, but I also want a simple variable reference to return the
> variable's value like python does in interactive mode. Is there any way
> to do this with exec? To be more precise, is there any way to obtain the
> value of last python expression evaluated by exec?

It sounds like you want "eval", rather than "exec".

Although exec can execute a suite of statements, it is usually possible to
encapsulate the statements into a function. This function can be "eval"'d,
executing the statements, and returning the object the function returns.
ie, by wrapping your statement in a function (method, module, etc), you
should be able to have the full power of exec in eval.

Is there something with this approach that makes it unsuitable for your

Mark (