Re: lambda constructions

Aaron Watters (
Mon, 30 Jan 1995 20:16:59 GMT

In article <> writes:
>> As I think most programmers use lambda constructions as term closures,
>> I would like to see the default behaviour for lambda constructions changed
>> to form closures.
>...(1) pulling in the rest of the world to
>strengthen your argument is a sign of weakness...

Well, let's just admit the Python is not a wizz-bang functional
programming language, and I for one would be very upset if it
became one. If Guido starts trying to make everyone happy we'll
end up with Common Lisp (or C++ or Ada).

I'm happy to be wrong, but I think a lot of the stuff closures and
continuations are good for can be handled via object
encapsulation, appropriately designed. I'm not too worried about
Church's numerals and the Ackerman function, myself.

A good example of the type of problem you have in mind might
be instructive. -a.
My flaw is that I'm not sufficiently tolerant of your
imperfections. --my wife.