Re: fetching HTML graphics...
Mon, 23 Jan 1995 00:07:12 +0100

> Is it possible to use python to automagically go out to a URL and grab
> an image from the page and save it locally?
> For instance, there is a URL that has the previous days DILBERT -- I
> would like to once a day automatically grab the graphic and save it
> locally.

Well, I don't know what's the best strategy for running a Python
program once a day -- probably using cron/crontab, which differs per
UNIX system so I can't tell you much about it. But Python code to
fetch a URL and save it to a file is real easy: the standard library
module "urllib" does almost everything for you. For instance:

#! /usr/local/bin/python

# copy the url given as sys.argv[1] to the file sys.argv[2]
# (default sys.stdout)

import urllib
import sys

def main():
# Handle arguments
if not sys.argv[1:]:
print "usage: geturl url [outputfile]"
url = sys.argv[1]
if sys.argv[2:]:
file = sys.argv[2]
file = None

# Open connection and file
f = urllib.urlopen(url)
if file:
g = open(file, 'w')
g = sys.stdout

# Copy data
while 1:
data =
if not data: break

# Close file and connection
if g <> sys.stdout: g.close()


--Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <>