Re: News group suggestion

Barry A. Warsaw (
20 Jan 1995 20:16:32 GMT

>>>>> "JCO" == Jeffrey C Ollie <> writes:

JCO> I don't know how much news you read, but the volume on
JCO> comp.lang.python doesn't warrant a split yet.

I agree.

JCO> I think that we max out on a good (or bad) day at about 100
JCO> messages with 30-40 being perhaps average. I could be wrong,
JCO> I check news fairly frequently during the day.

I think we saw maybe 100/day during the recent wars, but lately its
been maybe 20/day? I dunno. I'm bouncing between OS's these days so
only check in every 3 or 4 days and so far I haven't a lot of traffic.

The difference here though is that the *quality* of the material here
is very high so you tend to have to read everything, and read much of
it carefully. But that's A Good Thing (tm)! :-)
