CGI script ( version 3, or is it 4 ? :-> )

Steven D. Majewski (
Fri, 30 Sep 1994 18:41:47 -0400 (EDT)

A Python CGI script to format calendar and fortune output.

I think I posted this a while back - it was my first attempt at
a python CGI script, but since I was writing it mainly as an
exercise, I didn't pay enough attention to the non HTML part
of it. There were a couple of bugs in it. ( For such a simple
piece of code, this has had more bugs/LOC and revisions ...
<sigh!> )

It only highligted the current day properly for the week I
tested it! And 'fortune' sometimes spits out poems, so the
markup has to be <PRE>formatted text.

Anyway - since I inflicted the first version on you, I thought
I might as well give you the fixed version.

-- Steve Majewski

# python cgi program
# Formats output from posix 'cal' and 'fortune' into HTML,
# with current day in <STRONG><U>nderline
# Unfortunately, much of the formatting: which Header level,
# number of spaces of padding, etc. is rather ad-hoc, but I
# didn't know how else to do it. ( "HTML -- Is it a markup
# language or is it a presentation language? ... It's BOTH!" :-)
# Changes:
# changed fortune to <PRE> - sometimes it spits out poems!
# However - that makes <em> text for fortune too wide, so that is now
# wrapped in <h4>. Not good markup, but it works OK on MY client. <sigh>
# (You may want to change that.) Misc. other changes to the markup output.
# added spaces around day string - else single digit days highlght all occurances
# of that digit. Didn't catch this 'till the 1st of the month.
# (and then had to wrap lines with spaces too.)
# <TITLE> is now Today: date - it looks nicer if it's displayed.
# ToDo:
# add 'calendar' - simple but we don't have a departmental calendar
# file set up, so there's nothing to display yet.
# -- Steve Majewski <sdm7g@Virginia.EDU>

import time,posix,string,sys

FROM_GMT = 14400.0 # sorry this has to be hardwired, but in some non-interactive
# context's - like running from a cgi-script, the TZ
# environment variable is not set on AIX. If you have the same
# problem, set this to your local value.

FORTUNE = '/usr/games/fortune' # you need these programs
CALENDAR = '/usr/bin/cal' #

if time.timezone == 0 :
time.TIME = time.time() - FROM_GMT
else: time.TIME = time.time()
day = ' ' + repr(time.localtime( time.TIME )[2]) + ' ' # padding
calout = posix.popen( CALENDAR, 'r' ).readlines()

print 'Content-type: text/html\n' # extra new-line REQUIRED
print '<TITLE>Today: ' +date+ ' </TITLE>'
print '<pre><HR><H2> ', date, '</H2><HR>'
for line in calout:
line = ' '*3 + line[:-1] + ' ' + line[-1]
i = string.find( line, day )
if i >= 0:
print line[:i] +'<STRONG><U>'+ line[i:i+len(day)] +'</U></STRONG>'+line[i+len(day):]
else: print line

print '<h4>'
for line in posix.popen( FORTUNE , 'r' ).readlines():
print line,
print '</h4></pre>'

# This is really dead code when run from CGI. You can delete it if you like.
if 'DEBUG' in sys.argv[1:] :
if posix.environ.has_key('TZ') and posix.environ['TZ']:
print posix.environ['TZ']
else: print 'NO TZ'