Re: HELP! Linux & stdwin install
Sun, 25 Sep 1994 00:31:24 +0200

> I'm having REAL problems installing the stdwin module under
> linux. The stdwin package itself compiles OK, and the klok
> and miniedit run. The python make has real problems FINDING
> stdwin, though - I poked around the Makefiles and configs,
> and changed directory pointers, but nothing has worked so far.

>From the latest version of the FAQ (admittedly posted only yesterday):

| 4.12. Q. I have successfully built Python with STDWIN but it can't
| find some modules (e.g. stdwinevents).
| A. There's a subdirectory of the library directory named 'stdwin'
| which should be in the default module search path. There's a line in
| Modules/Setup(.in) that you have to enable for this purpose --
| unfortuunately in the latest release it's not near the other
| STDWIN-related lines so it's easy to miss it.

(Maybe this should be part of section 3 -- building Python, rahter
than section 4 (programming in Python) ???

--Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <>