Re: Small hack to help interactively identify components of an object

Aaron Watters (
Fri, 23 Sep 1994 15:27:05 GMT

In article <> Donald Beaudry <> writes:
>>>>> On Sun, 18 Sep 1994 23:51:11 GMT, (Mark Hammond) said:
>An alternate solution to the same problem is to automatically generate
>binding functions from C, C++ or some intermediate header file. This
>is the approach we have been taking. While doing this, I have found
>many uses for my type system. The approach is similar to what Guido
>has done for the gl module.

Perhaps you could use a parser generator that generates parsers
(for C prototypes, say) for use in python to help with this?

I've written such a beast and am waiting for it to be installed as an
``interesting python script'' in the ``interesting scripts'' ftp site.
I'll announce it when and if it gets there. In the mean time if
anyone wants to have a look at it let me know.
Aaron Watters
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
New Jersey Institute of Technology
University Heights
Newark, NJ 07102
phone (201)596-2666
fax (201)596-5777
home phone (908)545-3367

PS: as a teaser, below are declarations that define a parser
for a silly lisp-ish toy language and store the parsing info
as a Python module.
import string
Value :: ## indicates Value is the root nonterminal for the grammar
@R SetqRule :: Value >> ( setq var Value )
@R ListRule :: Value >> ( ListTail
@R TailFull :: ListTail >> Value ListTail
@R TailEmpty :: ListTail >> )
@R Varrule :: Value >> var
@R Intrule :: Value >> int
@R Strrule :: Value >> str
@R PrintRule :: Value >> ( print Value )
INTREGEX = "["+string.digits+"]+"
STRREGEX = '"[^\n"]*"'
VARREGEX = "["+string.letters+"]["+string.letters+string.digits+"]*"

### declare interpretation functions and regex's for terminals
def intInterp( str ):
return string.atoi(str)
def stripQuotes( str ):
return str[1:len(str)-1]
def echo(string):
return string
def DeclareTerminals(Grammar):
Grammar.Addterm("int", INTREGEX, intInterp)
Grammar.Addterm("str", STRREGEX, stripQuotes)
Grammar.Addterm("var", VARREGEX, echo)

### declare the rule reduction interpretation functions.
def EchoValue( list, Context ):
return list[0]
def VarValue( list, Context ):
varName = list[0]
if Context.has_key(varName):
return Context[varName]
raise NameError, "no such lisp variable in context "+varName
def NilTail( list, Context ):
return []
def AddToList( list, Context ):
return [ list[0] ] + list[1]
def MakeList( list, Context ):
return list[1]
def DoSetq( list, Context):
Context[ list[2] ] = list[3]
return list[3]
def DoPrint( list, Context ):
print list[2]
return list[2]
def BindRules(Grammar):
Grammar.Bind( "Intrule", EchoValue )
Grammar.Bind( "Strrule", EchoValue )
Grammar.Bind( "Varrule", VarValue )
Grammar.Bind( "TailEmpty", NilTail )
Grammar.Bind( "TailFull", AddToList )
Grammar.Bind( "ListRule", MakeList )
Grammar.Bind( "SetqRule", DoSetq )
Grammar.Bind( "PrintRule", DoPrint )

# This function generates the grammar and dumps it to a file.
def GrammarBuild():
import kjParseBuild
LispG = kjParseBuild.NullCGrammar()
LispG.SetCaseSensitivity(0) # grammar is not case sensitive for keywords
LispG.Keywords("setq print")
LispG.Nonterms("Value ListTail")
outfile = open(COMPILEDFILENAME, "w")
return LispG

# this function initializes the compiled grammar from the generated file.
def LoadLispG():
import TESTLispG
return LispG

########## test the grammar generation
Dummy = GrammarBuild()
LispG = LoadLispG()
### declare an initial context, and do some tests.
Context = { 'x':3 }
test1 = LispG.DoParse1( '()', Context)
test2 = LispG.DoParse1( '(123)', Context)
test3 = LispG.DoParse1( '(x)', Context)
test4 = LispG.DoParse1( '" a string "', Context)
test5 = LispG.DoParse1( '(setq y (1 2 3) )', Context )
test6 = LispG.DoParse1( '(SeTq x ("a string" "another" 0))', Context )
test7str = """
; this is a lisp comment
(setq abc (("a" x)
("b" (setq d 12))
("c" y) ) ; another lisp comment
test7 = LispG.DoParse1( test7str, Context)
test8 = LispG.DoParse1( '(print (1 x d))', Context)