Re: Difficulty in installing threads
Wed, 21 Sep 1994 17:56:14 +0200

> Threads does not install form me on the suno5.
> Change Setup to
> # Thread module -- works on SGI IRIX and on SunOS 5.x (SOLARIS) only.
> # Note that you must have configured (and built!) Python with the
> # --with-thread option passed to the configure script for this to work.
> thread threadmodule.o
> Do:
> configure --with-thread
> (Tryed also configure -with-thread)
> ( After which acconfig.h contains:
> /* Define if you want to compile in rudimentary thread support */
> #undef WITH_THREAD
> do:
> make (using gcc)
> Get the following report:
> ecad04% make
> (cd Modules; make -f Makefile.pre Makefile)
> /bin/sh ./makesetup Setup
> for i in . Parser Objects Python Modules; do \
> (echo $i; cd $i; make Makefile); \
> done

(1) Don't look in acconfig.h. It's input only to autoconf. The
configure script generates config.h.

(2) Did you do a "make clean" after the configure call?

(3) If WITH_THREAD is undefined in config.h, try running

configure --verbose --with-thread

It should find -lthread. If not, check if your system contains that
library (probably /lib/libthread.*).

--Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <>