Re: python object model

Marc Wachowitz (
24 Aug 1994 23:17:30 GMT

If the object model is redesigned to allow meta-programming (which I'd
consider a good idea), I propose to make reflection - i.e. the ability
of the system to inspect itself - as complete as possible. The various
problems of persistence IMO demponstrated clearly that there should be
as much regularity as feasable. The ideal might be a completely speci-
fied virtual machine, which can inspect itself in every corner, except
that some primitive functions [that's enough; data is only accessed by
functions, though possibly with syntactic sugar] have a representation
which consists only of names needed to access them in any interpreter,
provided that they are present (or dynamically linkable - but probably
this should already be constructed from more basic functionality, that
is invoked when a kind of "autoload-object" is evaluated). As far as I
can tell from the description, the Self language/implementation serves
as a good example of what I'm thinking of (for Self documentation look
in /pub/Self at For the meta-functionality, Lisp's
various MOPs are certainly good sources of information (in addition to
CLOS, EuLisp has a somewhat different protocol, that is supposed to be
easier to optimise; look at Some PostScript
documents, including the CLOS specification, can be found in /pub/mops

* wonder everyday * nothing in particular * all is special *
Marc Wachowitz <>