
Ulf Bartelt (stub@pce60.rz.tu-clausthal.de)
Wed, 24 Aug 1994 07:49:41 GMT

Hi !

Playing arround with range() I fell over the fact that range insits in it's
parameters being ints...

Things like range(1,int(pow(x,0.5))) seem unhandy for a language for rapid
prototyping and shell programming.

Is it possible to loosen the definition of range to something like

range(from,to,step) produces a list of integers like
for( i=ceil(from); i<floor(to); i+=floor(step))

to get a friendlier behaviour ?

Maybe it wouldn't matter letting range insist in getting an int as 3rd arg
since steps in integer lists sure will always be integers but relaxing this
too seems ok for me too...

Bye !

Ulf Bartelt | 2:2437/120.666@fidonet.org | bartelt@sun2.isaf.tu-clausthal.de
            |                            | stub@linux.rz.tu-clausthal.de