Re: Can't take the tail of a list without copying via List[1:]?

Mark Lutz (lutz@KaPRE.COM)
Mon, 8 Aug 94 10:08:31 MDT

> Summary: Can I or why can't I take the cdr of a list without
> copying the entire top level structure of the list?
> [...]
> Unfortunately List[1:] makes a _copy_ of the top level structure of the
> rest of List, which is quite expensive for large lists if all I want
> is Common Lisp's (rest List) which gives me the rest of List without
> copying anything.

Well, yes: you can use data structures that perform like Lisp lists,
but not Python 'lists'. Lists in Python are really more like variable
sized arrays, than 'lists' in the Lisp/Prolog/etc. genre. They don't
do well for Lisp-like recursive processing.

But it's actually easy to represent Lisp-like 'lists' using Python's
native data structures: just use Python tuples, rather than lists.
A Python tuple of the form:

(car, cdr)

behaves exactly like a Lisp cons-cell (and Prolog '[Head|Tail]' list
constructers). This is just a binary-tree representation for linear
lists. To take the 'tail' of such a list, just use tuple assignment:

(head, tail) = List // fetch the car/cdr


(head, List) = List // pop and discard the car

If you build your list using these components, you can traverse them in
recursion without copying the list tail each time-- when you access the
tail/cdr, you just fetch the second item in the tuple, which is just
another tuple object (a 2-cell block), instead of copying the remainder
of the list.

In fact, tuples in Python are more convenient that 'cons' in Lisp--
they are created implicitly just by writing them (there's no explicit
'cons' call, much like [X|Y] list notation in Prolog).

For example:

L = None
for x in [1,2,3]: # a right-heavy tree
L = (x, L) # L = (cons x L)

while L: # L = (3, (2, (1,None) ))
(head, L) = L # head = (car L), L = (cdr L)
print head # 3 2 1

def travel(L): # recursive traversal
if L:
print L[0] # do something with head
travel(L[1]) # recurse on tail without copying the list

Or equivalently:

L = None
for x in [1, 2, 3]:
L = (L, x) # a left-heavy tuple tree

while L: # L = (( (None, 1), 2), 3)
(L, tail) = L
print tail

def travel(L): # recursive traversal
if L:
print L[1] # do something with head
travel(L[0]) # recurse on tail without copying while list

You could implement this all as a Python class, but it's alot faster
to just use tuples for lists in-line. BTW, I've used the tree-list
representation successfully in an expert-system shell; performance was
measurably better than native python lists, especially for large stacks
passed around recursively.

Mark Lutz

ps-- I've posted this idea before; sounds like a FAQ topic (?)