Information on teaching OO and Reuse sought

Teaching OO Group (
26 Jul 1994 03:37:48 GMT

Our department is about to build Object-Orientation and Reuse into our
undergraduate curriculum as core elements and we are very interested in the
experiences of other insitutions in this kind of enterprise.

If you or your institution have constructed an undergraduate course based
around object-oriented design with a special empahsis on reuse could you
please send me a brief note via email?

We are particularly interested in:

* How did you structure the course through the years of the course?
* Which language and software platform did you use?
* Did you make use of an existing code library? Was it successful?

Please respond via email and I'll summarise responses to the net. Please let me
know if you'd prefer your response not to be summarised.

Thanks in advance,

Teaching Object Orientation Group Dept of Computer Science
University of Queensland
Ph: +61 (0)7 365 2956 St Lucia 4072
email: Australia