Things I'd like to see in python...

Dan Stromberg - OAC-DCS (
Sat, 23 Jul 1994 13:28:33 -0700

...and should ask about, before going ahead and trying to add them
(since they may already be done, or someone may have suggestions on
how to proceed). They're not huge changes, by any stretch.

BTW, is this list archived somewhere?

Anyway. Things I could use right now:

1) An execvp. Did someone just do this, or was I dreaming?
2) Some means of setting an SO_KEEPALIVE on a socket. It looks
slightly like socket.setsockopt wants a (python) string value, while
I want to pass a (char *)0? (at least, that's how I've done it
in C). I looked over the struct module, and didn't see a way of
creating such a thing. Has anyone set an SO_KEEPALIVE from python?
3) Some means of doing general radix conversions. This seems like
something someone would've done a Long time ago

I guess #2 is the (potentially) hard one, though all three would be

Also, I wouldn't complain a bit if that syslog module made it into