* Eliminate the need for Tcl code, in Tkinter based programs:
waitvar(), setvar() instead of say ('set', 'foo', 1)
[ I'm sure I forgot something here. ]
* xx.foo method instead of xx.cmd('foo').
* Use methods in the Wm class, drop Wm.config ...
* xx.after: The patch from Guido did fix the problem, at least for me.
createcommand(...) deletes the old Tcl command (and decref the
Python function), so everything should be OK. There's still a memory
leak (Where?). But this works:
from Tkinter import *
t = Tk()
def xx():
print 'Hello'
t.after(1000, xx)
* Tcl_InitApp is now per default in tkintermethod.c, use WITH_INITAPP
to use an external Tcl_InitApp proc.
* Ignoring None in xx.call(). So that
xx.call('wm', 'aspect', pathName)
can be written as
xx.call('wm', 'aspect', pathName, None, None, None, None)
* Socket I/O stuff. I'll add
xx.createfilehandler(fd, mask, func) to tkintermethod.c. See the
Tk_CreateFileHandler function.
* Base class configuration. Why not use the class name instead
of 'packing'?
b = Button(m, {'text': 'Hello', Pack: {'fill': 'both'}})
* Tkinter widget library. I've put <tnb2d@henson.cs.virginia.edu>'s
EmacsText widget in Tkib.py.
* I'll add a command to break out of the mainloop. But you will only
get a prompt if Python was stared with the -i option. (Is there an
"interactive mode variable" in Python?)