Re: python strings

Tim Peters (
Mon, 25 Apr 94 15:46:14 -0400

> ...
> I've managed to implement triple-quoted strings ... and string literal
> concatenation as in C

Isn't this an ambiguous combination? E.g.,

str = """ "" """

With triple-quotes but not literal catenation, it's

' "" '

With literal catenation but not triple-quotes, it's

"" + " " + " " + "" == ' '

With both, it's ambiguous, yes?

Because of this, I had assumed that you gave up literal catenation when
you moved to triple-quotes. Since triple quotes address a superset of the
concerns addressed by literal catenation (except for the run-Python-thru-
cpp silliness I raised), I'd be happy to see literal catenation go away.

confusedly y'rs - tim

Tim Peters
not speaking for Kendall Square Research Corp