Re: reloading sys
Thu, 31 Mar 94 13:50:54 EST

Steven D. Majewski writes:
| [ Tommy: What exactly caused the core dump you described to me the
| other day? I tried what I thought you said, and on AIX Python, it
| didn't crash. But, it also didn't do what you wanted - i.e. clear
| and reinitialize sys. ( Also, I'm still not quite sure why you
| want/need to do this. What specifically needs to be reset ? ) ]

Here's what I tried before. I just tried it now and got
exactly the same thing:

(tnb2d@henson) /uf16/tnb2d $ python
Python 1.0.1 (Mar 5 1994)
Copyright 1991-1994 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
>>> import sys
>>> print sys.modules
{'__builtin__': <module '__builtin__'>, 'sys': <module 'sys'>, '__main__': <module '__main__'>}
>>> del sys.modules['sys']
>>> print sys.modules
{'__builtin__': <module '__builtin__'>, '__main__': <module '__main__'>}
>>> import sys
Memory fault
(tnb2d@henson) /uf16/tnb2d $

What I need to do is *reset* the interpreter from *within* the
interpreter. When it was imbedded it was easy enough to replicate the
funcitonality of goaway and initall from pythonrun.c. That was
essentially throwing the interpreter away and starting a new one. But
how can I do that from within the interpreter while still staying in
the interpreter? The sequence of calls that I used before to reset it



object* m = add_module("__main__");

The first two are from goaway and the last five are from initall, I'm
not sure where the add_module line comes from. I'm starting to think
that I may be able to just stick these all in a function and call it
from within python without completely trashing myself. It's at least
worth a shot.

-------> Tommy.

"Subvert the parental paradigm - Refuse Birth."