Re: Using fcntl and other system calls

Adrian Phillips (
Wed, 16 Mar 1994 08:55:12 +0000

Thanks for all those messages. I looked at fcntl module code for the syntax to
use but what I was also interested in was something similar to perl's .ph
files, ie. a conversion of the fcntl.h file. How can you make portable code
that uses these (Unix portable that is) without this ?

For example, using requires mode flags. Are these defined somewhere
within the python posix module or must you pull them out of the relevant .h
ifle yourself ?



=   	    	    	    	    	    	    	    	    	 =
= Adrian Phillips at The Norwegian Meteorological Institute   	    	 =
=    	    	    	    	    	    	    	    	    	 =
= BUT any thoughts in this are purely my own and have nothing to do with =
= this establishment, thankfully.   	    	    	    	    	 =
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