Addition to fileobject

Adrian Phillips (
Tue, 15 Mar 1994 10:08:34 +0000

I've added a nobuf extension to the fileobject to stop buffering of data. Saves
having to do flush all the time :-).

I didn't do a diff, as I wasn't sure where in fileobject.c it should go (I just
threw it in somewhere).

This is the extra line for the methodlist struct:

{"nobuf", (method)file_nobuf},

And here is the extra function - it seems to work without any problems but I am
a python NEWBIE so use with care :-)

static object *
file_nobuf(f, args)
fileobject *f;
object *args;
if (!getnoarg(args))
return NULL;
if (f->f_fp != NULL) {
if (f->f_close != NULL) {
errno = 0;
setbuf(f->f_fp, NULL);
return None;

Any chance of getting this into the OFFICIAL version (assuming it works



=   	    	    	    	    	    	    	    	    	 =
= Adrian Phillips at The Norwegian Meteorological Institute   	    	 =
=    	    	    	    	    	    	    	    	    	 =
= BUT any thoughts in this are purely my own and have nothing to do with =
= this establishment, thankfully.   	    	    	    	    	 =
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