SUIT and Python
Thu, 10 Mar 94 17:29:40 EST

Thanks Steve!

SUIT version 2.3 actually has a Python wrapper! We've been using
and testing the wrapper for some time now and are pretty happy with
the way it behaves, so we've been thinking about posting it here, and
making it available at the uvacs ftp site.

SUIT's primary claim to fame is ease of use and the extremely nice
learning curve. For more info on SUIT, you can


Things are nuts right now (spring break coming up), but within the next
24 hours, I will make sure that the wrappers and the SUITmodule.C gets
put into the public ftp place for people to try.


Steven D. Majewski writes:
| On Mar 10, 14:30, Robin Friedrich wrote:
| >
| > I called them this morning and they are sending me their propoganda.
| > Has anyone had any experience with this product? We here at NASA-JSC
| > are looking for a good interpreted language in which to create GUIs
| > for the trajectory engineers here. I've played with python for a couple
| > months now and am suitably impressed. I'm really looking for an
| > interactive GUI builder which generates python-Motif code. If the above
| > product is that product great, otherwise we'll have to write one
| > ourselves.
| >
| Have you looked at SUIT. Simple User Interface Toolkit - delevoped here
| at the University of Virginia. ( Well, not *right* *HERE* -- at the UVA CS
| dept., I mean! Despite being at UVA, I have only recently discovered
| this package. )
| I have tried the suit unix demo.
| I haven't yet managed to build python with the SUIT interface.
| ( I got distracted by trying to get the dynamic loading for AIX
| working before I tackled that. )
| I have since notices a note that says that that extension module
| is not yet finished. Who was working on it? Can we have a status
| report ?
| If you want to see what SUIT by itself will do ( without Python )
| binary demo's are available in
| ftp> dir demo
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| 226 Transfer complete.
| ftp> 221 Goodbye.
| There should be a PostScript tutorial file to accompany the demo.
| - Steve Majewski (804-982-0831) <sdm7g@Virginia.EDU>
| - UVA Department of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics
" ... 2 is not equal to 3, even for large values of 2..."
Matthew Conway University of Virginia
Dept. of Computer Science Charlottesville, VA 22901