Turns out the debuggers use an ancient module "repr" which was written
before classes could override the meaning of `x` by defining a
__repr__ method. An error in the evaluation of `x` would not be
caught. The remedy is easy and will be part of release 1.0.2. A
sneak preview is below.
--Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <Guido.van.Rossum@cwi.nl>
URL: <http://www.cwi.nl/cwi/people/Guido.van.Rossum.html>
RCS file: /hosts/voorn/ufs/guido/python-RCS/new/Lib/RCS/repr.py,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -r1.2 repr.py
*** 1.2 1993/12/17 15:25:14
--- repr.py 1994/03/01 09:47:40
*** 77,82 ****
--- 77,95 ----
j = max(0, self.maxlong-3-i)
s = s[:i] + '...' + s[len(s)-j:]
return s
+ def repr_instance(self, x, level):
+ try:
+ s = `x`
+ # Bugs in x.__repr__() can cause arbitrary
+ # exceptions -- then make up something
+ except:
+ return '<' + x.__class__.__name__ + ' instance at ' + \
+ hex(id(x))[2:] + '>'
+ if len(s) > self.maxstring:
+ i = max(0, (self.maxstring-3)/2)
+ j = max(0, self.maxstring-3-i)
+ s = s[:i] + '...' + s[len(s)-j:]
+ return s
aRepr = Repr()
repr = aRepr.repr