>-- End of excerpt from Ty Sarna
I don't think it is a matter of one (braces, BEGIN/END) vs. the other
(indentation), but *adding* additional constructs that the parser can handle as
substitutes for the INDENT/DETENT tokens. Haskell, which also uses indentation
(their term for it is layout) also accepts semicolons and { and } as substitutes
for layout. This makes writing multi-line lamdas (hey, we're back on the
original topic ;-) much easier.
As a programmer, I like layout (indentation); but I also would like the ability
to delimit code regions explicity. As another poster pointed out, if you are
going to generate python code from some GUI front end, generation of
non-whitspace delimited code may be easier (I am not convinced of this, though),
and definitely is more compact.
--Uttam M. Narsu E-mail: narsu@hks.com
Hibbitt, Karlsson & Sorensen, Inc. Tel: (401) 727-4200 x 4442 1080 Main Street, Pawtucket RI 02860 Fax: (401) 727-4208