Python 1.0.1 released
Tue, 15 Feb 1994 16:09:32 +0100

After about three weeks of collecting feedback from Python 1.0.0, I've
now released Python 1.0.1. This is available in two forms: as a
compressed patch file relative to 1.0.0, about 90 kbytes, or as an
independent compressed tar archive, about 1.78 Mbytes. The ftp host
is (as always :-), the directory is pub/python. The files
are patch1 and python1.0.1.tar.Z. Within 24 hours these files should
reach most of the mirror sites:

Site IP address Directory /pub/plan/python/cwi /languages/python /graphics/graphics/sgi-stuff/python /pub/languages/python (old?) /pub/unix/languages/python (python* only)

Here's the NEWS section on Python 1.0.1:

==> Release 1.0.1 (15 February 1994) <==

* Many portability fixes should make it painless to build Python on
several new platforms, e.g. NeXT, SEQUENT, WATCOM, DOS, and Windows.

* Fixed test for <stdarg.h> -- this broke on some platforms.

* Fixed test for shared library dynalic loading -- this broke on SunOS
4.x using the GNU loader.

* Changed order and number of SVR4 networking libraries (it is now
-lsocket -linet -lnsl, if these libraries exist).

* Installing the build intermediate stages with "make libainstall" now
also installs, Setup and makesetup, which are used by the
new Extensions mechanism.

* Improved README file contains more hints and new troubleshooting

* The built-in module strop now defines fast versions of three more
functions of the standard string module: atoi(), atol() and atof().
The strop versions of atoi() and atol() support an optional second
argument to specify the base (default 10). NOTE: you don't have to
explicitly import strop to use the faster versions -- the string
module contains code to let versions from stop override the default

* There is now a working Lib/ for those who use Python under
DOS (or Windows). Thanks, Jaap!

* There is now a working Modules/dosmodule.c for DOS (or Windows)
system calls.

* has been reorganized (making it ready for more operating

* Lib/ is now obsolete (use os.path instead).

* Many fixes to the tutorial to make it match Python 1.0. Thanks,

* Fixed Doc/Makefile, Doc/README and various scripts there.

* Added missing description of fdopen to Doc/libposix.tex.

* Made cleanup() global, for the benefit of embedded applications.

* Added parsing of addresses and dates to Lib/

* Small fixes to Lib/, Lib/, Lib/ to make
them usable at all.

* New module Lib/ reads RIFF (*.wav) audio files.

* Module Lib/ moved to Lib/stdwin/ where it

* New options and comments for Modules/makesetup (used by new
Extension mechanism).

* Misc/HYPE contains text of announcement of 1.0.0 in comp.lang.misc
and elsewhere.

* Fixed coredump in filter(None, 'abcdefg').

--Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <>
URL: <>