Amiga port and Expect module :-)

Mats Lidell (
Tue, 23 Nov 93 17:02:56 +0100

Hi Folks,

Since Christmas is approaching I guess it is time for us to write our
wish lists!

Actually both items on the subject line is on their way but since my
time on these types of project is strictly on a hobby basis it takes
so much time, oh oh so much. So if there is someone on the list that
is interested in either:

- An Amiga port of python; and/or
(My current status: Running interpreter, without floating
point but, needs some lib fixes.)
- An Expect(1) module.
(Status: No code written. Some initial investigations.)

Please drop me a line. Maybe we could fix it together or you might
already have finished it ready for me to use :-)

%% Mats