Re: reload from ( was Python FAQ ... )
Thu, 18 Nov 93 10:21:24 EST writes:
| I wonder if instead of a reload and a reload-from
| statement, we actually aren't in search for an "options" part of
| import statements (all flavors). If it's done right this could also
| be used to specify an alternate search path or file to load from.

That sounds like EXACTLY the right idea. In fact, one of the
first things naive python users in our group bump into is setting
their paths correctly so import gets the modules they want it to. I
don't know how many times I've seen:

"from /users/myUserId/python/modules/myModule import *"

before people learn how to use sys.path and/or the PYTHONPATH var.
In our Alice system (a set of python classes) whenever a 3D
object file is loaded from disk it is cached, so if a copy of that
object is requested it loads a lot faster, right? But what if you've
made changes to the file on disk and want to load it in with those
changes? You can't do it without quitting and re-starting the system
because the cache is in your way! Same problem with import, and we're
coming to the same conclusion: Options when loading (importing) to get
it from either DISK or CACHE. I can import potentially having an
options parameter that when left blank gives deault behavior (what it
does now), but could take directories or a DEFEAT_THE_CACHE keyword
that acts default-y but goes around the cache.

-------> Tommy.