FTP site for Python scripts

Fri, 17 Sep 93 15:23:36 PDT

I have created 2 directories on our FTP site for people to
place Python script files as well as get any that people place there..

The site is: ftp.markv.com (
The place to put them is in /incoming/python
The place they will be put for general usage is /pub/python

The /incoming/python directory is a drop directory.. you cannot
do a directory listing of it..

If you place any files in there, please either upload a file.readme
file to explain what the file(s) do and I will place that description
along with the actual files.. I will also maintain a file that contains
a short description as well as who uploaded it (if that info is in the
readme file or Emailed)...

Currently I don't know of any FTP site that is acting as a repository
of script files for python besides Guido's. Let's start exchanging
ideas and code.. I will be placing a couple modules I have into these
directories for a starting place to build from..

If there is enough interest and enough is posted to this location,
I will also post to this mailing list the summary file every now and then.


Lance Ellinghouse lance@markv.com

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