
Tim Peters (tim@ksr.com)
Thu, 26 Aug 93 05:14:42 -0400

Attached is a drop-in replacement for the rational-arithmetic class
distributed as python/demo/classes/Rat.py. In comparison to that, this

- plugs some holes

- adds support for 0.9.9 features (e.g., a rat can be used as a
dictionary key)

- suffers spurious overflow less often for short-rat operations (and
never for * and / and comparisons)

- runs much faster for long-rat operations

- provides an exact way to convert floats to rationals

- is (or is intended to be <wink>) upward-compatible

- supports the same (but extended) interface (through function Rats.rat)

Irony: When I posted a Dates module, I moaned that automatic coercion
got in the way. While beefing up the Rat module, automatic coercion was
to the contrary a wonderful thing to have, and indeed its lack for + and
* was painful to worm around.

I believe the method for worming around that used below is about as clean
& general an approach as can be crafted in Python today (if you don't see
the problem this is trying to solve, figure out why, e.g., "rat(2,3) -
3.0" and "3.0 - rat(2,3)" both invoke Rat.__coerce__ but do not invoke
Rat.__sub__; then consider that "rat(2,3) + 3.0" will invoke Rat.__add__
(with 3.0 as the second argument) but not Rat.__coerce__, while "3.0 +
rat(2,3)" will invoke Rat.__coerce__ but not Rat.__add__; on the other
hand, 3.0*rat(2,3) and rat(2,3)*3.0 both invoke Rat.__mul__ without going
through Rat.__coerce__ first ... __add__ and __mul__ are different from
all the others, and from each other).

Nevertheless, in both the Dates modules & this one, all the problems
could be worked around, so it's hard to whine too much ...

just-practicing<grin>-ly y'rs - tim

# Rational Numbers
# Supplies function `rat' for creating rational-number objects (RNO).
# RNOs support mixed-mode arithmetic (+-*/, pow, unary -), comparisons
# (==, <=, etc), coercion (to float, int, long), and hashing (so an RNO
# can be used as a dictionary key). In Boolean contexts, an RNO is true
# if & only if it's non-zero.
# In mixed-mode arithmetic, ints and longs are converted to rationals,
# while rationals are converted to floats. Function `rat' can be used
# explicitly to convert a float to an exact rational equivalent.
# Given an RNO r, r is the rational number r.num/r.den. r.den > 0
# always, and r.num and r.den have no non-unit common factor. Along with
# the convention that 0 is represented as 0/1, this implies each
# mathematical rational has a unique representation as an RNO. .num and
# .den are intended to be read-only attributes, so that the module can
# maintain these properties.
# RNOs come in two flavors: short rats and long rats. The difference is
# solely whether .num and .den are Python integers or long integers.
# Short rats will in general run substantially faster, but this is of
# limited utility since the size of numerators & denominators tends to
# blow up quickly during a chain of rational operations. In addition,
# except for comparisons, an operation on short rats may raise an
# overflow exception during an intermediate calculation, even if the
# final result would be representable as a short rat. The author
# recommends not using short rats at all unless you know exactly what
# you're doing.
# Function rat accepts these arguments:
# rat(long a) returns long rat equal to a
# rat(int a) returns short rat equal to a
# rat(long a,long b) returns long rat equal to a/b
# rat(long a, int b) returns long rat equal to a/b
# rat( int a,long b) returns long rat equal to a/b
# rat( int a, int b) returns short rat equal to a/b
# rat(float x) returns long rat a/b exactly equal to x;
# if x is bizarre (e.g., NaN or infinity on an IEEE
# machine), the result is undefined
# The algorithms are obvious, or adapted from Knuth Volume 2. The
# slowest part of a rational implementation is gcd calculations, so the
# operations are coded "cleverly" to avoid gcd whenever possible, and--
# when gcd can't be avoided --to minimize the size of the operands passed
# to gcd.
# Speeding gcd itself is difficult. The speed of gcd depends mostly on
# the speed of division. 5 gcd functions are defined here, gcd1 through
# gcd5, that vary in their zeal to avoid divisions. No single function
# is fastest; instead their speed depends on the size of the operands.
# From fastest to slowest, they are:
# for short arguments for larger arguments (up for huge arguments
# (Python int) to several thousand bits) (many thousand bits)
# ------------------- --------------------------- --------------------
# gcd1 gcd5 gcd4
# gcd2 gcd2 gcd3
# gcd5 gcd1 gcd5
# gcd3 gcd3 gcd2
# gcd4 gcd4 gcd1
# There is some sense to this <wink>: gcd1 does the most divisions,
# but it's also the simplest code. For short arguments, saving the
# cost of a short division is overwhelmed by the overhead of executing
# more interpreted statements. Contrarily, gcd4 does the fewest
# divisions but is the most complex code. Pure binary methods aren't
# included here because they were never faster than the division
# methods (& I expect this is an artifact of using an interpreter;
# also that there's no really efficient way to test the last bit of
# a Python long ("x & 1" appears to create a long of x's length, then
# cut it back, making a conceptual O(1) operation an O(log x) operation;
# maybe "odd(x)" could be a builtin?)).
# gcd is set to gcd2 below, because that's the best compromise for
# the size of rationals the author usually works with (usually a few
# hundred to a couple thousand bits). Bind gcd to one of the other
# routines if your usage is different.

import math

def rat(*args):
if len(args) == 2:
return Rat().init( args[0], args[1] )

elif len(args) == 1:
arg = args[0]
t = type(arg)
if t in (type(1), type(1L)):
return apply( _rat, coerce(arg,1) )

elif t is not type(1.0):
raise TypeError, 'need integer or float argument'

# convert float to rational; the method here is exact provided
# that math.frexp and math.ldexp are exact (which they should be,
# on binary machines)

# take care of negative and 0
if arg == 0.0:
return _rat(0L,1L)
top = bot = 1L
if arg < 0.0: top, arg = -top, -arg

# now arg > 0, and arg * top / bot == original arg;
# maintain that equality as an invariant while scaling
# so that 0.5 <= arg < 1
arg, shift = math.frexp( arg )
if shift < 0:
bot = bot << (-shift)
elif shift > 0:
top = top << shift
answer = _rat( top, bot )

# now arg in [0.5,1.0), and arg*answer == original arg;
# remains to convert arg and multiply by answer;
# suck up 28 bits at a time: small enough to fit in an int,
# and big enough so that any IEEE double will be done in no
# more than 2 iterations
top, bot = 0L, 1L
while arg:
arg28 = math.ldexp(arg, 28) # arg * 2^28
ip = math.floor(arg28) # next 28 bits
top, bot = top << 28, bot << 28
top, arg = top + int(ip), arg28 - ip
return rat(top,bot) * answer

raise TypeError, 'need 1 or 2 arguments'

# _rat packs top/bot into a rational; it trusts they have no common
# factor, that 0 is passed as (0,1), that bot != 0, and that they're both
# ints or long ints; this avoids the expensive gcd in Rat.init
def _rat( top, bot ):
if bot < 0: top, bot = -top, -bot
answer = Rat()
answer.num, answer.den = top, bot
return answer

# -------------------- GCD routines --------------------
# as simple as they get
def gcd1(a, b):
while b:
a, b = b, a % b
return abs(a)

# since the quotient is 1 some 41% of the time, this one tries
# to save the division in that common case; gcd5 carries the
# idea one more step
def gcd2(a, b):
a, b = abs(a), abs(b)
if a < b: a, b = b, a
while b:
rem = a - b
if rem < b:
a, b = b, rem
a, b = b, rem % b
return a

# a mix of division & binary methods. a & b are forced odd. Then
# if r = a % b is odd, b-r is even. So one of {r,b-r} is even.
# Factors of 2 are shifted out of that until it's odd again, and
# we do it again with the new odd pair. gcd4 is an extension of
# this idea.
def gcd3(a, b):
a, b, ashift, bshift = abs(a), abs(b), 0, 0
if b == 0: return a
if a == 0: return b
while a & 1 == 0: a, ashift = a>>1, ashift+1
while b & 1 == 0: b, bshift = b>>1, bshift+1
r = a % b
if r & 1: r = b - r
a, b = b, r
while b:
b = b >> 1
while b & 1 == 0: b = b >> 1
r = a % b
if r & 1: r = b - r
a, b = b, r
return a << min( ashift, bshift )

# like gcd3, but takes min(r,b-r) after removing factors of 2. This
# guarantees that, after the first iteration, a/b >= 3, so we get
# some real benefit out of the division. Alas, the interpreter
# overhead is high enough that it doesn't actually pay off until the
# arguments are over (about, on one particular machine) 10,000 bits long.
def gcd4(a, b):
a, b = abs(a), abs(b)
if a == 0 or b == 0: return max(a,b)
ash = bsh = 0
mask = 1L
while (a & mask) == 0: mask, ash = mask<<1, ash+1
mask = 1L
while (b & mask) == 0: mask, bsh = mask<<1, bsh+1
a, b = a>>ash, b>>bsh
if a < b: a, b = b, a
r = a % b
while r:
r2 = b - r
mask, rsh = 2L, 1
if r & 1:
while (r2 & mask) == 0: mask, rsh = mask<<1, rsh+1
r2 = r2 >> rsh
while (r & mask) == 0: mask, rsh = mask<<1, rsh+1
r = r >> rsh
a, b = b, min(r,r2)
r = a % b
return b << min(ash,bsh)

# carrying gcd2 one more step, to avoid division when the quotient is
# 1 (about 41% of the time) or 2 (about 17% of the time)
def gcd5(a, b):
a, b = abs(a), abs(b)
if a < b: a, b = b, a
while b:
rem = a - b
if rem < b:
a, b = b, rem
rem = rem - b
if rem < b:
a, b = b, rem
a, b = b, rem % b
return a

gcd = gcd2 # see comments at the start

# return (l, ma, mb) where
# l is the least common multiple of a and b
# ma * a = l
# mb * b = l
def lcm(a, b):
g = gcd( a, b )
ma, mb = b/g, a/g
return ma * a, ma, mb

# -------------------- class Rat --------------------
class Rat:

def init(self, num, den):
num, den = coerce( num, den )
if type(num) not in (type(0), type(0L)):
raise TypeError, 'rational must have integer components'
if den < 0:
num, den = -num, -den
elif den == 0:
raise ZeroDivisionError, 'rat(x, 0)'
g = gcd(num, den)
self.num = num/g
self.den = den/g
return self

def __repr__(self):
if self.den != 1:
return 'rat' + `self.num, self.den`
return 'rat(' + `self.num` + ')'

def __cmp__(a, b):
# relies on denominators being non-negative
return cmp( a.num*b.den, a.den*b.num )
except OverflowError:
return cmp( long(a.num)*b.den, long(a.den)*b.num )

def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.num) ^ hash(self.den)

def __float__(self):
return float(self.num) / float(self.den)

def __long__(self):
return long(self.num) / long(self.den)

def __int__(self):
return int(self.num / self.den)

def __coerce__(a, b):
t = type(b)
if t is type(a) and b.__class__ is Rat:
return a, b
if t is type(0):
return a, rat(b, 1)
if t is type(0L):
return a, rat(b, 1L)
if t is type(0.0):
return a.__float__(), b
return None

def __nonzero__(self):
return self.num != 0

# Automatic coercion may not take place for + and *, so we check the
# type of b and force coercion if it's not Rat. Note that after
# coercion, there's still no guarantee that the type of b is Rat (or
# the type of a!), since type(coerce(Rat,float)) is float. We worm
# around that by reissuing the operation, letting Python figure out
# how to do it.
def __add__(a, b):
if type(b) is type(a) and b.__class__ is Rat:
g = gcd( a.den, b.den )
if g == 1:
return _rat( a.num*b.den + b.num*a.den, a.den*b.den )
adenoverg = a.den/g
top = a.num*(b.den/g) + b.num*adenoverg
g2 = gcd( top, g )
return _rat( top/g2, adenoverg * (b.den/g2) )
a, b = coerce( a, b )
return a + b

def __mul__(a, b):
if type(b) is type(a) and b.__class__ is Rat:
g1, g2 = gcd(a.num,b.den), gcd(a.den,b.num)
return _rat( (a.num/g1)*(b.num/g2),
(a.den/g2)*(b.den/g1) )
a, b = coerce( a, b )
return a * b

def __sub__(a, b):
return a.__add__( -b )

def __div__(a, b):
if b.num:
return a.__mul__( _rat( b.den, b.num ) )
raise ZeroDivisionError, 'rational division by 0'

def __neg__(self):
a = Rat()
a.num, a.den = -self.num, self.den
return a

def __pow__(a, n):
if n.den == 1:
n = n.num
if n < 0: a, n = 1/a, -n
return _rat( pow(a.num,n), pow(a.den,n) )
raise ValueError, 'rational raised to non-integer power'

# -------------------- tests --------------------
RatTestError = 'RatTestError'

def test():
for args, rep in ( ((0,),'0'), ((0L,),'0L'),
((12L,),'12L'), ((12,),'12'), ((-12L,),'-12L'), ((-12,),'-12'),
((6,9),'2, 3'), ((-6,9),'-2, 3'), ((6,-9),'-2, 3'),
((-6,-9),'2, 3') ):
got = `apply(rat, args)`
want = 'rat(' + rep + ')'
if got != want:
raise RatTestError, ('__repr__', got, want)

a = rat(37,8)
got = `int(a), long(a), float(a), rat(-float(a))`
want = '(4, 4L, 4.625, rat(-37L, 8L))'
if got != want:
raise RatTestError, ('coercion', got, want)

a = rat(1, 10)
b = rat(2, 5)
l = [a+b, a-b, a*b, a/b, pow(-b, 1/a)]
want = [rat(1,2), rat(-3,10), rat(1,25), rat(1,4),
rat(1024,pow(5,10)) ]
if l != want:
raise RatTestError, ('arithmetic', l, want)

want = [rat(-3,10), rat(1024,pow(5,10)), rat(1,25), rat(1,4), rat(1,2)]
if l != want:
raise RatTestError, ('sort', l, want)

if not a or not b or (a+b)*(a-b)-(pow(a,2)-b*b):
raise RatTestError, 'boolean context'

d = { rat(2): 'two', rat(-12L,16L): rat(4L,8L) }
if d[ pow( d[rat(16,7)*rat(21,-64)], -1 ) ] != 'two':
raise RatTestError, 'dictionary'

for e in 'rat(1,0)', '5/(rat(4,2)-1/rat(3,6))', 'pow(rat(0),-3)':
exec( 'print ' + e )
raise RatTestError, ('wanted ZeroDivisionError', e)
except ZeroDivisionError:

for args in ( (), (1,1.0), ({},1), ([],), ('ouch',), (1,2,3) ):
e = apply( rat, args )
raise RatTestError, ('wanted TypeError', args)
except TypeError:

a = rat( 1<<30 )
a = (a < 1/a) # should not overflow

a = rat( 1L, 1<<30 )
if 3+a == a+3 == -(-a-3) == 3-(3-a)+3 == 3-(3+(-a))+3 == \
a*2-a+3 == 3*a-2*a-(-3) == \
((a/45L + a)*(45L/a + a)-46)/a*rat(45,46) + 3:
raise RatTestError, 'probably implicit conversion'

x = 3.0
if x+a == a+x == -(-a-x) == x-(x-a)+x == x-(x+(-a))+x == a-x+2*x:
raise RatTestError, 'probably implicit float conversion'

sum = rat(-2L,3)
for i in range(1,30):
sum = sum + pow(-1,i)*rat(i,i+1)
want = rat(-446993812891L, 332727080400L)
if sum != want:
raise RatTestError, ('sum', want, sum)
for i in range(1,30):
sum = sum - pow(-1,i)*rat(i,i+1)
if sum*3 != -2:
raise RatTestError, ('sum not -2/3', sum)

# test()

>>> END OF Rat.py