Re: __init__

Tue, 18 May 93 17:06:32 +0200

> By the way, will there be a __del__(self) method that is called at
> destruction time? [...] I don't really have a good example of why
> you'd want this, other than for creating classes that keep track of
> how many instances of the class exist. Perhaps someone else can think
> of a good reason for having it.

Look at the draw object in the stdwin module. When you delete the
object, things get actually painted on screen. Up 'till now such a
scheme is only possible with builtin objects.

-- Jan-Hein Buhrman -- AT&T Huizen NL -- <> --
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``When everything is bad, it must be good to know the worst''
--Francis Bradley, quoted on ``Who's Afraid of?... The Art of Noise!''