Re: __init__
Tue, 18 May 93 08:04:05 CDT

In message <> you write:
>The next Python release will have a feature that makes initialization
>of class instances a little easier. If a class defines a method named
>__init__ then this method will be called when an instance of that
>class is created. If you pass any arguments to the class these will
>be passed on to the __init__ method. For example:
>Anybody have a different opinion or a clever idea? Please speak up!
>--Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <>

How about using the type of main(argc,argv) solution, i.e. provide
every __init__ method with a list containing the real arguments, from
which it can take what it understands?

I have no idea about the implementation aspects of such a solution, it
is just a thought ...

Rob Hegt