Re: SystemExit
Tue, 11 May 1993 09:23:55 +0200

> | Under DOS the _exit() function shouldn't be in os since it isn't in
> | the C library either. (Or is it? Then maybe I should add it to the
> | DOS version of the posix interface... Please enlighten me, I always
> | thought that _exit() is specific to real UNIX and not specified by
> | Standard C.)
> I'm not saying it should be there (what does posix mean under msdos?).
> I'm saying that callously tried to include it.

I got that, but I failed (and still fail) to see what pertinence a bug
in has to do with the semantics of sys.exit()... Let's drop
this silly argument, OK!

> I wouldn't care about the stack trace so much if the format wasn't so
> confusing to the ordinary user (yes, other people than myself are using
> python programs). Maybe, if the error message could be called out more
> and the stack trace could be preceded with some disclaimer, it wouldn't
> be so confusing to the ordinary user. They complain to me: WHAT IS
> HAPPENING??? as where the fault is e.g. disk full or something else
> that I don't check for (is that a bug??? Can't check for everything...)
> and they can't seem to find the actual problem in all the output.

Excuse me, but it's obvious that the bug is in your program. (Half
:-) Read any good, recent book on user interfaces and you'll find that
it is unacceptable for users if a program fails with a cryptic error
message. I bet that a short cryptic error message (just the exception
name) isn't any better than a long one (which includes the stack
trace) since in both cases it's communicating at the wrong level, as
far as the user is concerned. (And note that a C program would
probably have failed silently in the case of disk full, unless there
was an explicit check at every write call! Do you like that better?)

However, I should take my part of the blame too: it is true that when
the stack trace is long the exception type is hard to find. I'll
experiment with placing the exception message *after* the stack trace
instead of before it.

--Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <>